www.gusucode.com > 基于Visual C++高级界面特效制作百例源码程序 > 基于Visual C++高级界面特效制作百例源码程序/code/char17/MRUCombo/MRUCombo.cpp

// MRUCombo.cpp: Implementation file for the CMRUComboBox class.
// Written by Michael Dunn <mdunn at inreach dot com>
// Revision history:
//  9/9/1998: First release.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MRUComboTest.h"
#include "MRUCombo.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;


// CMRUComboBox constructor & destructor

// Function:    CMRUComboBox()
// Description:
//  Class constructor.
// Notes:
//  Calls base class constructor and initializes member variables.

CMRUComboBox::CMRUComboBox() : CComboBox(),
    m_bRefreshAfterAdd   ( FALSE ),
    m_bSaveAfterAdd      ( FALSE ),
    m_bSaveOnDestroy     ( TRUE ),
    m_nMaxMRUSize        ( MRUC_DEFAULT_MRU_SIZE ),
    m_pMRU               ( NULL ),
    m_bParamsChanged     ( FALSE )

// Function:    CMRUComboBox()
// Description:
//  Class destructor.

                                        // Save the MRU if we need to.
    if ( m_bSaveOnDestroy )
        if ( !SaveMRU() )
            TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- Warning - SaveMRU() in destructor failed. MRU was not saved.\n");

                                        // Free up the CRecentFileList object.
    if ( NULL != m_pMRU )
        delete m_pMRU;

		// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.

// CMRUComboBox MRU operations

// Function:    AddToMRU()
// Description:
//  Adds a string to the MRU list.
// Input:
//  szNewItem: [in] The string to add.
// Returns:
//  TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.

BOOL CMRUComboBox::AddToMRU ( LPCTSTR szNewItem )
                                        // String can't be a null pointer!
    ASSERT ( NULL != szNewItem );

                                        // Allocate a new CRecentFileList 
                                        // if necessary.
    if ( NULL == m_pMRU )
        if ( !AllocNewMRU() )
            TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- AllocNewMRU() failed in AddToMRU().\n");
            return FALSE;

                                        // Add it to the MRU list.
    m_pMRU->Add ( szNewItem );

                                        // Automagically refresh the combobox?
    if ( m_bRefreshAfterAdd )

                                        // Automagically save the MRU?
    if ( m_bSaveAfterAdd )

    return TRUE;

// Function:    EmptyMRU()
// Description:
//  Removes all strings from the MRU list.
// Input:
//  Nothing.
// Returns:
//  Nothing.

void CMRUComboBox::EmptyMRU()
int i;

    if ( NULL != m_pMRU )
                                        // Remove all strings from the MRU list.
                                        // Go in reverse order to keep the
                                        // strings from changing positions 
                                        // while we're doing our dirty work.
        for ( i = m_pMRU->GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )

// Function:    LoadMRU()
// Description:
//  Loads an MRU from the registry or the app's INI file.
// Input:
//  Nothing.
// Returns:
//  TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.

BOOL CMRUComboBox::LoadMRU()
                                        // We always allocate a new
                                        // CRecentFileList object when loading.
    if ( !AllocNewMRU() )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- AllocNewMRU() failed in LoadMRU().\n");
        return FALSE;


    return TRUE;

// Function:    SaveMRU()
// Description:
//  Writes the MRU to the registry or app's INI file.
// Input:
//  Nothing.
// Returns:
//  TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.

BOOL CMRUComboBox::SaveMRU()
                                        // If we haven't created a 
                                        // CRecentFileList yet, then there's
                                        // nothing to save.
    if ( NULL == m_pMRU )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- SaveMRU failed - no CRecentFileList created.\n");
        return FALSE;

                                        // Check that the CRecentFileList 
                                        // parameters are kosher.
    if ( !VerifyMRUParams() )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- SaveMRU() failed - params not set.\n");
        return FALSE;

                                        // If the registry key/value strings
                                        // have been changed, we need to make
                                        // a new CRecentFileList.
    if ( m_bParamsChanged )
        if ( !AllocNewMRU() )
            TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- SaveMRU failed - couldn't reallocate CRecentFileList with new MRU params.\n");
            return FALSE;


    return TRUE;

// CMRUComboBox combobox control operations

// Function:    RefreshCtrl()
// Description:
//  Sets the contents of the combobox according to the MRU list.
// Input:
//  Nothing.
// Returns:
//  Nothing.

void CMRUComboBox::RefreshCtrl()
CString cstrComboText;

                                        // Save the contents of the edit
                                        // portion of the combobox.
    GetWindowText ( cstrComboText );


    for ( int i = 0; i < m_pMRU->GetSize(); i++ )
                                        // Don't add empty strings to the combobox.
        if ( (*m_pMRU)[i].GetLength() > 0 )
            if ( AddString ( (*m_pMRU)[i] ) < 0 )
                TRACE1("CMRUComboBox -- Warning - RefreshCtrl() couldn't add MRU item %d to combobox.\n",
                       i );

                                        // Restore the editbox text.
    SetWindowText ( cstrComboText );

// CMRUComboBox data accessor functions

// Function:    SetMRURegKey()
// Description:
//  Sets the registry key (or INI file section) in which the MRU will be
//  saved.
// Input:
//  szRegKey: [in] The key/section name.
// Returns:
//  Nothing.

void CMRUComboBox::SetMRURegKey ( LPCTSTR szRegKey )
                                        // The key name can't be a null string.
    ASSERT ( NULL != szRegKey );

                                        // Store the reg key name & set the
                                        // changed flag.
        m_cstrRegKey = szRegKey;

        m_bParamsChanged = TRUE;
    catch ( CMemoryException )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- Memory exception in CMRUComboBox::SetMRURegKey()!\n");

// Function:    GetMRURegKey
// Description:
//  Returns the current registry key or INI file section in which the MRU
//  will be saved.
// Input:
//  Nothing.
// Returns:
//  The key name.

const CString& CMRUComboBox::GetMRURegKey() const
    return m_cstrRegKey;

// Function:    SetMRUValueFormat()
// Description:
//  Sets the format to be used for writing MRU items to the registry or
//  the app's INI file.
// Input:
//  szValueFormat: [in] The format to use.
// Returns:
//  TRUE if the format is acceptable (i.e., contains "%d"), FALSE if not.

BOOL CMRUComboBox::SetMRUValueFormat ( LPCTSTR szValueFormat )

                                        // The key name can't be a null string.
    ASSERT ( NULL != szValueFormat );

                                        // Check that the format strings 
                                        // contains "%d"
    if ( NULL == _tcsstr ( szValueFormat, _T("%d") ) )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- SetMRUValueFormat() returning FALSE - argument didn't contain \"%d\"\n");
        return FALSE;
                                        // Save the format string and set the
                                        // changed flag.
            m_cstrRegValueFormat = szValueFormat;
            m_bParamsChanged = TRUE;
            bRetVal = TRUE;
        catch ( CMemoryException )
            TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- Memory exception in CMRUComboBox::SetMRUValueFormat()!\n");

    return bRetVal;

// Function:    GetMRUValueFormat
// Description:
//  Returns the current registry value format string.
// Input:
//  Nothing.
// Returns:
//  The format string.

const CString& CMRUComboBox::GetMRUValueFormat() const
    return m_cstrRegValueFormat;

// Function:    SetMaxMRUSize()
// Description:
//  Sets the max number of entries that the MRU can hold.
// Input:
//  nMaxSize: [in] The new MRU size.
// Returns:
//  The previous MRU size, or 0 if there was no previous MRU allocated, or
//  -1 on error.
// Notes:
//  This function always reallocates a CRecentFileList so that the size
//  change (and registry string changes, if any) takes place immediately.

int CMRUComboBox::SetMaxMRUSize ( int nMaxSize )
int nRetVal = m_nMaxMRUSize;

                                        // New size needs to be a positive
                                        // number.
    ASSERT ( nMaxSize >= 1 );

    if ( nMaxSize <= 0 )
        return -1;

    m_nMaxMRUSize = nMaxSize;

    if ( NULL == m_pMRU )
        nRetVal = 0;                    // no previous size

    if ( !AllocNewMRU() )
        nRetVal = -1;                   // error!!
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- SetMaxMRUSize() failed - couldn't allocate new CRecentFileList.\n");

    return nRetVal;

// Function:    GetMaxMRUSize
// Description:
//  Returns the current max MRU size.
// Input:
//  Nothing.
// Returns:
//  The current max size.

int CMRUComboBox::GetMaxMRUSize() const
    return m_nMaxMRUSize;

// Function:    SetAutoSaveOnDestroy()
// Description:
//  Sets whether the CMRUComboBox will automatically save the MRU when
//  the object is destroyed.
// Input:
//  bAutoSave: [in] Flag: enable auto-saving?
// Returns:
//  The previous value of this setting.

BOOL CMRUComboBox::SetAutoSaveOnDestroy ( BOOL bAutoSave )
BOOL bRetVal = m_bSaveOnDestroy;

    m_bSaveOnDestroy = bAutoSave;

    return bRetVal;

// Function:    SetAutoSaveAfterAdd()
// Description:
//  Sets whether the CMRUComboBox will automatically save the MRU after
//  an item is added successfully.
// Input:
//  bAutoSave: [in] Flag: enable auto-saving?
// Returns:
//  The previous value of this setting.

BOOL CMRUComboBox::SetAutoSaveAfterAdd ( BOOL bAutoSave )
BOOL bRetVal = m_bSaveAfterAdd;

    m_bSaveAfterAdd = bAutoSave;

    return bRetVal;

// Function:    SetAutoRefreshAfterAdd()
// Description:
//  Sets whether the CMRUComboBox will automatically refresh the combobox
//  control after an item is added successfully.
// Input:
//  bAutoSave: [in] Flag: enable auto-refresh?
// Returns:
//  The previous value of this setting.

BOOL CMRUComboBox::SetAutoRefreshAfterAdd ( BOOL bAutoSave )
BOOL bRetVal = m_bRefreshAfterAdd;

    m_bRefreshAfterAdd = bAutoSave;

    return bRetVal;

// CMRUComboBox misc. functions

// Function:    VerifyMRUParams()
// Description:
//  Checks the registry and size parameters and makes sure they're valid
//  for CRecentFileList.
// Input:
//  Nothing. (uses member variables)
// Returns:
//  TRUE if the params are OK, FALSE if not.

BOOL CMRUComboBox::VerifyMRUParams() const
BOOL bRetVal = TRUE;

                                        // 1. The registry key string must be
                                        //    non-empty.
    if ( m_cstrRegKey.IsEmpty() || 0 == m_cstrRegKey.GetLength() )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- VerifyMRUParams() - registry key name not set.\n");
        bRetVal = FALSE;

                                        // 2. The reg value must be non-empty
                                        //    and contain "%d"
    if ( m_cstrRegValueFormat.IsEmpty() || 
         0 == m_cstrRegValueFormat.GetLength() )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- VerifyMRUParams() - registry value format not set.\n");
        bRetVal = FALSE;
    else if ( -1 == m_cstrRegValueFormat.Find ( _T("%d") ) )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- VerifyMRUParams() - registry value format doesn't contain \"%d\"\n");
        bRetVal = FALSE;

                                        // 3. The Max MRU size must be > 0.
    if ( m_nMaxMRUSize <= 0 )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- VerifyMRUParams() - max MRU size is set to <= 0\n");
        bRetVal = FALSE;

    return bRetVal;

// Function:    AllocNewMRU()
// Description:
//  Allocates a new CRecentFileList, and copies the contents of the previous
//  MRU (if any) to the new one.
// Input:
//  Nothing.
// Returns:
//  TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.

BOOL CMRUComboBox::AllocNewMRU()
CString* acstrOldList = NULL;
int      nItemsToCopy;
int      i;

                                        // Make sure the MRU params are OK.
    if ( !VerifyMRUParams() )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- AllocNewMRU() returning FALSE - MRU list params invalid or not set.\n");
        return FALSE;

                                        // Figuring out how many strings to
                                        // copy: The lesser of the new MRU 
                                        // size and the previous MRU's size.
                                        // Of course, if there was no previous
                                        // MRU, then nothing will be copied.
        nItemsToCopy = m_nMaxMRUSize;

        if ( NULL != m_pMRU )
            nItemsToCopy = __min ( m_nMaxMRUSize, m_pMRU->GetSize() );

                                        // Save the contents of the old MRU list.
            acstrOldList = new CString [ nItemsToCopy ];

            for ( i = 0; i < nItemsToCopy; i++ )
                acstrOldList[i] = (*m_pMRU)[i];

                                        // Nuke the old CRecentFileList object...
            delete m_pMRU;

                                        // and make a new one!
        m_pMRU = new CRecentFileList ( 1, m_cstrRegKey,
                                       m_cstrRegValueFormat, m_nMaxMRUSize );

        // Copy the MRU strings if there was a previous MRU.  We add
        // the strings in reverse numerical order so they end up in the same
        // order as they were in the old MRU.

        if ( NULL != acstrOldList )
            for ( i = nItemsToCopy - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                m_pMRU->Add ( acstrOldList[i] );

            delete [] acstrOldList;
    catch ( CMemoryException )
        TRACE0("CMRUComboBox -- Memory exception in AllocNewMRU()!\n");
        if ( NULL != m_pMRU )
            delete m_pMRU;


                                        // Reset the changed flag.
    m_bParamsChanged = FALSE;

    return TRUE;